This blog is dedicated to uploading old fanzines from Australia and around the world. I guess I will scan them in and make them into PDF's so you can a) Download them and read on your computer or b) Download them, print them off an read it like a REAL fanzine.
I will focus mainly on Australian zines but also do a few that I have gathered from overseas.
I hoard zines; most are average/awful but once in while one will come about that is just spot on which makes me want to keep seeking out other zines. A common thread that separates the average zines from the great zines is the tendency to shit-talk and be honest. The zines that tip toe around 'scene' politics and advocate awful bands due to 'good dude' status are the ones that fall by the wayside.
Anyway enough guff from me, on with the upping...
Do you have the Talk Is Cheap/Edge of Quarrel zines scanned? When I began scanning years ago (A good amount of the stuff on Dave K's site is from my own files) I never got around to doing those unfortunately.